Writer's Workbench

Hiding Quotes, Dialogues, and Works Cited from Analyses

Hide And Reveal from Ribbon

Some material, such as quotes, dialogues, and reference pages may make some of the information in WWB analyses inaccurate or inappropriate. You need to know how to perform three procedures.

  1. How to Hide such material from all analyses except Organization and Development

  2. HR From ToolbarHow to Reveal such material for Organization and Development

  3. How to Reveal all material whenever you want to print the entire document

To hide text from being analyzed, follow this procedure.

  1. Highlight all of the material, including quotation marks, that you want to hide from the analyses.

  2. Press the Hide or H button on the Writer's Workbench Composition Ribbon or Toolbar.

  3. Repeat for all material that you want to hide from the analyses.

Attention! Although the highlighted material will disappear (be hidden), the quotes, dialogues, and works cited are still in your document.

To reveal the hidden material, follow this procedure.  NOTE: No material needs to be highlighted.  Your cursor may be at any place in the document.

  1. Press the Reveal or R button on the Writer's Workbench Composition Ribbon or Toolbar.

Attention!  All of the hidden material in the document will reappear.

To review this material while using Writer's Workbench in Word, click on theHR Help or HR Help button on the ribbon or toolbar.

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