Using Writer's Workbench in Microsoft Word 2007 / 2010 / 2013 / 2016
Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 handle Word Add-Ins differently than previous versions of Word. The first time that you double-click on the Writer's Workbench icon after installing Writer's Workbench, depending on your security settings, a Security Warning might indicate that "Macros have been disabled." These macros must be enabled for Writer's Workbench to run. Click on the "Options..." button. |
A "Security Alert - Macro" dialog will appear.You must "Trust all documents from this publisher" and click "OK" to use Writer's Workbench with Word 2007. Then, WWB will determine sizes of windows used while analyzing compositions based on your versions of Word and Windows, and your system's resolution. |
Note: You will only see the security warning the first time that you double-click on the Writer's Workbench icon provided that you follow the steps above. Now, open an existing document (our sample short composition, "The Tempest," can be opened by typing <Alt-B>) or start typing your composition. |
Microsoft Word 2007, Word 2010, Word 2013, and Word 2016 use ribbons instead of traditional toolbars. The WWB Composition tab will be highlighted with all of the appropriate Writer's Workbench buttons available in its ribbon. |
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After clicking on Analysis Programs from the composition menu above and running one of the analyses, the WWB Analysis tab will activated and buttons on that ribbon will be available for the analysis. |
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Other than a different display, Writer's Workbench operates the same in Word 2007, Word 2010, Word 2013, Word 2016 as in previous versions of Word. |