Writer's Workbench Technical Operation and Log File Setup and Administration
By default, Writer's Workbench is installed in "C:\WWB." It can be installed in virtually any directory, but the pathname must be short (For this reason, and because there is a space in "Program Files," WWB cannot be installed in "C:\Program Files\WWB"). If installed on a network, the path could be X:\WWB, where X: is the mapped drive. Executable Files: Some security packages such as CA's eTrust disallow executable files to run unless specifically allowed. Nine Writer's Workbench analyses require executable files be run as analyses are being produced. By default, those executable files are in the wwbbin directory which is located in the installation directory (c:\wwb). Those analyses which require temporary files (below) must be able to run the executables in (default) C:\WWB\WWBBIN. Temporary Files: Some of the analyses require temporary files be created as analyses are being compiled. By default, that folder is the installation directory (C:\WWB). A folder wwbtmp is created below whatever location is specified in setup. In any case, the user must have create, write, and delete permissions in the TEMPDIR\wwbtmp directory (C:\WWB\wwbtmp [default] or C:\Windows\temp\wwbtmp). The following analyses require temporary files - Assessment Scores Note: the wwbtmp folder must not be compressed must have Windows indexing
turned on. WWB.INI: This file (now located in the WWB installation directory (typically C:\WWB)) defines how Writer's Workbench operates. The [WWB] section of wwb.ini contains the following adjustable settings.
The [DISPLAY] section of wwb.ini is used to control size and placement of Word's windows while WWB is running.
The [WMG] (Writing Mechanics Grade) section of wwb.ini is used to control size and placement of Word's windows while WWB is running.
Writer's Workbench Log File Writer's Workbench versions 8.0 and later provide the ability to create log entries to track Writer's Workbench usage. This feature (transparent to the user!) is useful for verifying that students are in fact using Writer's Workbench to analyze their compositions and to track general Writer's Workbench usage in your writing labs. By setting the LOGWWB parameter to "YES" (click on Yes in the Generate LOGFILE for analyses? box in the Options Menu) and pointing the LOGPATH (entering a path in LogFile path in the Options Menu) to a legitimate writable folder, a file named wwblogfile.txt will be created and appended to each time a student analyzes his or her composition. Note: the file must be writable by the I.D. that logs into the workstation. If the LOGPATH parameter is set to a mapped folder on the network (For example, W:\WWBLOGFILES), then multiple workstations can append to the wwblogfile.txt simultaneously. Each time a WWB user analyzes a composition, a one-line entry is appended to the end of the wwblogfile.txt file. Three such entries might look like: PBithos * Tempest * Content - Diversity of
Content Vocabulary * 10/11/2002 10:59:57 AM Here, PBithos is the second line of the student's paper (first initial, last name), and Tempest is the first line of the student's paper. The next field is the analysis followed by the date and time the analysis was run. Since wwblogfile.txt is a text file, it can be viewed using notepad, and can easily be imported into a database or spreadsheet. Since this file will continue to grow each time a composition is analyzed, we recommend that the wwblogfile.txt be renamed periodically, say, once a month or once a week. For example, if you want to rename it once a month, you might rename the log file "wwblogfile1002.txt" on October 31, 2002 to denote those analyses performed in October, 2002, and "wwblogfile1102" on November 30, 2002 for those in November. The "live" logfile will always be named "wwblogfile.txt." If you have any problems or questions with Writer's Workbench setup, either send e-mail to wwbsupport@emo.com or call (630)548-4219. |